Asked by Nandhini Murugesan | 1st of April 2020
career counselling Career decisionplease , Click the following link to get the anwser in 3 languages
First, it s important to accept that 90% of the youth need someone who can give them insight into options.
Second, society does help in giving insight but it is at the cost of being biased.
Third, it s proven that if an individual is counseled regular for his career growth then he/she is likely to succeed faster and have a content and satisfactory work life.
Hence, presence and interaction with career counselors is essential at every stage of education and job.
Well , when we are sick we go to a doctor when we want to learn a new skill we go to a specialist trainer . But when we need to take the most important decision of our life that is choosing a Career, which leads to our job which we spend 30% of our life time on, then isn t it necessary to Consult or consider a specialist opinion or advise before choosing a Right Career for you.
That s how important a Career Counselor is before taking Important Career decisions which could be choosing a Right course and college or considering the higher studies opinion or abroad studies Consultation.
Career coach or counselor helps you decide which is best for you considering all possibilities of future career opportunities , your skills and abilities and what could be right for you.
If we want Quality Food for Health, Quality Education for Life, so that for Happy, Bright, & Prosper Future definitely Need a Professional Career Counselor...Because its a Matter of Future & Life.
A trained, experienced and holistic career counsellor is like a mirror who helps your reflect your occupational side. Schools test you on your academic subjects, however rarely do they provide an insight into your interests, values and beliefs. So a counsellor who is a trained psychologist and has extensive experience in the work industry (not just counselling) provides a very significant input that can be very helpful